Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Neck and Back

Neck & back What is causing my spinal pain?

Spinal pain is something that many people experience at some stage during their life. It brings with it it distress and interruption to our work and social pursuits.

Fortunately serious or permanent damage is uncommon. Your spine is a solid structure of great strength. It is made of bony blocks (vertebrae) which are connected by discs and bands of tough tissue (ligaments) which give it strength, flexibility and shock absorbency. It is reinforced by strong supportive muscles. All these structures have an abundance of nerve endings. If they are under stress or injured they will let you know!

Most simple back strains do not cause any lasting damage. The pain experienced is your body telling you to do something about it!

Physiotherapy and Pain relief:

To bring relief of pain i may utilise any of the following: mobilisation, manipulation, exercises, and electrotherapy.

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